<div id="container"></div>
html, body, #container {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
anychart.onDocumentReady(function () {
// create data for the first series
var data_1 = [
{x: "A", value: 1222},
{x: "B", value: 2431},
{x: "C", value: 3624},
{x: "D", value: 5243},
{x: "E", value: 6813},
{x: "F", value: 5321},
{x: "G", value: 1567},
{x: "H", value: 3876}
// create data for the second series
var data_2 = [
{x: "A", value: 722},
{x: "B", value: 1431},
{x: "C", value: 1624},
{x: "D", value: 1243},
{x: "E", value: 1813},
{x: "F", value: 1321},
{x: "G", value: 567},
{x: "H", value: 1876}
// create a chart
var chart = anychart.radar();
// create the first series (line) and set the data
var series1 = chart.line(data_1);
// create the second series (area) and set the data
var series2 = chart.area(data_2);
// set the chart title
chart.title("Radar Plot: Basic Sample");
// set the container id
// initiate drawing the chart