Nightingale Rose Chart
A Nightingale Rose Chart (Coxcomb Chart or Polar Area Diagram) is a combination of the Radar Chart and Stacked Column Chart. It is helpful when working with cyclic data (months, seasons, years, etc.) and with statistical data. Meteorologists use it to illustrate a wind rose.
Percent Stacked Area Chart
A Percent Stacked Area Chart is a multi-series Area Chart, where the height of each series depends on its contribution to the sum of all values in a certain category (X-axis). It is helpful in showing the variation of a few variables and their percentage ratio.
Percent Stacked Bar Chart
A Percent Stacked Bar Chart is a multi-series Bar Chart which presents the contribution of each value to the sum of all values across categories. The X-axis is intended for percentage terms (from 0 to 100).
Percent Stacked Column Chart
A Percent Stacked Column Chart is a multi-series Column Chart which presents the contribution of each value to the sum of all values across categories. Y-axis is intended for percentage terms (from 0 to 100).
Stacked 3D Bar Chart with Negative Values
A chart with two series demonstrating a profit from cosmetic products bought by men and women with the null point in the center of the chart and using negative values to show the profit from cosmetic products bought by men.
Stacked Area Chart
Stacked Area Charts with Region-wise sales information. Stacked mode helps to present data as a sum of a whole.