Gantt Chart

The Gantt Chart is a type of bar diagrams used to illustrate plans and activity schedules of any project.
Generally speaking, it is a project management tool. Gantt Chart consist of bars stretched along the time axis.
In this type of diagram, each bar represents a certain task within the framework of the project in question.The ends of the bar stand for the task's start and finish time, and the length reflects duration.

The Gantt Chart's vertical axis is a task list.
It is possible to enrich the diagram with complex tasks, completion rates, indicators of order and dependency, as well as markers of key events (milestones).


Read more information in our documentation:
Planned-vs-Actual Chart created by anonymous

Planned-vs-Actual Chart

By anonymous, Dec 21
Sample created by anonymous

Noname sample

By anonymous, Dec 15
GANTT Timeline 02 created by anonymous

GANTT Timeline 02

By anonymous, Jan 8
Sample created by anonymous

Noname sample

By anonymous, Aug 11

New chart

By anonymous, Jun 25