PERT Chart

The Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) Chart is a workflow model that visually represents the sequence of and the correlation between tasks, specifying the time required to complete each task, in order to make it possible to identify bottlenecks in the process in question and find the optimal path.

Such a PERT, network-based data visualization can be drawn in two ways.

1. Each node shows the status of an object, and arrows denote activities. Each arrow is associated with the time needed to accomplish the corresponding activity.

2. Nodes represent activities, whereas arrows display relationships between them. In this type of chart, each node is determined by several characteristics such as the duration of an activity, early and late start times, and slack. Activities with zero slack lie on the critical path.

Any activity in the network connects two PERT events: predecessor and successor.In network diagrams where each event marks both the completion of an activity and the beginning of a successor activity, any sequence of activities is called a path. The critical path is the longest available pathway between start and finish.
  • each activity must range between two events, and the network cannot use identical codes for different activities;
  • networks must only include events with both inbound and outbound activities, except for the overall start and finish events;
  • network diagrams must have no loops.


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