Version samples
Gallery / 100 Percent Stacked Column Chart
The 100% Stacked Column Chart displays the comparison of the percentage each part of the category brings to the whole category. This chart shows the products? sales ratio in several regions.
Gallery / Complex Gauge
This chart consist of two gauges: the first one shows the current speed and the average in the aperture and the second one displays some additional information. The second gauge shows the current engine and the average value for it in rpm in the aperture.
Gallery / Editing Events
Gallery / Donut Chart with Custom Categories
Here is a donut chart with all the points divided into two categories. Each point was colored according to its category. Labels inside the donut are interactive and can be used instead of the chart's legend.
Gallery / Gauge with Color Ranges
This half-circular gauge has tree range labels on chart's plot. All labels are adjusted to show the sales volume in dollars. Chart has a knob and one needle. The chart represent the sale for a company and ranges help to assess the situation.
Gallery / 3D Pie Chart
3D Pie chart brings a bit of adjustments into the pie chart's appearance. This 3D pie chart has interactive legend. Labels are enabled to show the percentage value of each slice. Current chart represent the percentage of population in The Shire.
Gallery / Displaying Data in Millisecond Intervals
Gallery / 100 Percent Stacked Bar Chart
100% Stacked Bar Charts display the comparison of the percentage, taking the whole category as 100%. Chart describes the products' sales ratio by four regions. The legend is interactive and controls chart series.
Gallery / Column Chart
This Chart demonstrates the average height of men and women in the age range from 5 to 50 by two series of a column type and both lower and upper errors set.
Gallery / CSV Data
Gallery / Candlestick Chart
Gallery / Comparison Radar Chart
This radar chart holds 3 line series. Each line represent a country for comparing. Interactive legend can be used to hide and show chart's series. The chart's label gives additional information and clarifies chart's meaning.