Version samples
Gallery / Gantt Tree From XML
Gallery / Heat Map with ColorScale
A Heat Map demonstrating a server working with three ranges for three server fan speed states: low, medium and high. Legend helps to find the appropriate values on the map.
Gallery / Annotated Candlestick Chart
Gallery / LED with Bar Gauges
There are LED and bar pointers used for demonstrating the revenue, the expenses and the profit levels of a company.
Gallery / Shop Mall
Gallery / Milestones Preview Marker Type
Gallery / Heat Map in Poker
This Heat Map is a demonstration of Texas Hold'em Poker spread sheet. It shows, which cards combinations are more likely to win or lose.
Gallery / Optimistic and Pessimistic Views on a Single Gantt
Gantt Chart example with custom drawing of the timeline tasks
Gallery / Box Chart
Here is a cartesian chart with a vertical box series. This chart has neither labels, nor series whiskeys. Chart's legend is hidden. The chart visualizes the statistics for delays of Oceanic Airlines flights in December of 2014.
Gallery / Annotated Candlestick Chart and EMA
Gallery / Radar Chart with Two Area Series
This multi-series radar chart contains a couple of area series. Each series can be controlled using chart's legend. The chart displays the average temperature in London during a year.
Gallery / Annotated OHLC Chart