Version samples
Gallery / Development Team Plan (Time Tracking On)
Gallery / Candlestick Chart
Gallery / Gantt Tree From JSON
Gallery / Bar Chart using CSV File
Bar Chart example visualizing data from a CSV file.
Gallery / GitHub Contributions Calendar
Gallery / Area Chart
Gallery / Stacked Column and Line Chart
Three series of a Stacked Column type and a series of a Line type are combined in this chart. Two axes demonstrate values in integer and percent values.
Gallery / Spline Chart
Spline chart that displays the price of company shares in comparison with the main competitor.
Gallery / Line Chart with X Scale Continuous Mode
Gallery / Battery
A chart with 4 pointers, two of bar pointer type and two of LED type pointer type, all imitating battery chargers with different battery charge labels.
Gallery / Human Resource Chart
Gallery / ACME Corp Prices
Financial Dashboard with 2 charts: the first one with 3 series of Range Area, Spline and Japanese Candlestick types and only a column chart on the second one. All these series display information about ACME Corp. Stocks prices and trades.