Horizontal Bullet Chart with Ranges
This sample is a demonstration of using ranges in Bullets. There are four ranges from red to green demonstrating the revenue levels from worthless to great.
Vertical Bullet Chart
This is a simple sample of several vertical Bullet Charts placed together. It demonstrates the normal daily intake of 14 vitamins.
BCT Bullet Chart 02
Horizontal Bullet Chart with Negative Values
This chart demonstrates sales of a company in different regions, with only the extra part of all bullet bars shown, making the variance values more evident.
CIO Dashboard
CIO dashboard from 'Information Dashboard Design. Displaying data for at-a-glance monitoring' by Stephen Few. Sample shows how AnyChart can be used to create complex visualizations.
Vertical Bullet Chart with Negative Values
On this Chart with 13 vertical bullets the bullet bars are disabled but the bullet marker and the extra parts of bullet bars are left, making the difference between the current and goal values.