API / anychart.core.ui.table.Base.border set
API / anychart.core.ui.table.Padding.left get
API / anychart.core.ui.Table.fontColor set
API / anychart.core.ui.table.Base.textDirection set
API / anychart.core.ui.table.Column.cellFill set asArray
API / anychart.core.ui.table.Column.cellFill set asOpacity
API / anychart.core.ui.Table.colsWidth set
Chartopedia / Bullet Chart
A Bullet Chart (Bullet Graph) is a variation of a Bar Graph invented by Stephen Few. This type is convenient when we want to see the difference between the target and what was actually achieved.
API / anychart.core.ui.table.Padding.top set
API / anychart.core.ui.table.Base.useHtml set
API / anychart.core.ui.Table.cellFill set asImg
API / anychart.core.ui.table.Column.cellFill set asLinear