Chartopedia / Donut Chart
A Donut Chart (Donut Graph) is a variation of a Pie Chart, which has a blank center. It also illustrates proportions, and its center can contain additional information about the data it shows.
API / anychart.charts.Pie.innerRadius set asString
Gallery / 3D Donut Chart
3D Donut chart is a way of visualizing data using donut chart. This chart demonstrates 3D mode for donut chart with chart's legend and enabled labels. The chat shows the percentage of the world's main sources of energy.
Gallery / Donut Chart
This simple donut chart represents the sales of the ACME Corp. from 5 different retail channels. The chart's legend is enabled and it can be used for interaction with chart. Labels displayed only on the most significant slices.
Gallery / ACME Corp Sales Dashboard
Dashboard with three charts: column chart, stacked column chart and pie chart. First chart is interactive and clicking on columns changes the second and the third charts. The dashboard displays company profit details for fourteen years.
API / anychart.charts.Radar.innerRadius
Gallery / Donut Chart with Range Palette
Here is a donut chart with customized colors. Legend is enabled and placed at the bottom of the chart's plot. This chart displays ACME Corp. revenue from cosmetic sales.
Gallery / Donut Chart with Custom Categories
Here is a donut chart with all the points divided into two categories. Each point was colored according to its category. Labels inside the donut are interactive and can be used instead of the chart's legend.
API / anychart.charts.Polar.innerRadius