Geo Chart

A Geo Chart is a map of a country, a continent, or a region with areas which are compared in terms of the values it represents. Areas can be colored or shaded according to the prearranged key (each shade or color represents a range of values). Also, a Geo Chart can have bubbles with sizes proportional to the values they display, or points showing the existence of some object or feature.

andorra created by anonymous


By anonymous, Sep 18
georgia created by anonymous


By anonymous, Sep 18
Maps Connectors 01 created by anonymous

Maps Connectors 01

By anonymous, Jan 17
Maps Connectors 07 created by anonymous

Maps Connectors 07

By anonymous, Aug 18
Maps Connectors 12 created by anonymous

Maps Connectors 12

By anonymous, Aug 26
Maps Connectors 12 created by anonymous

Maps Connectors 12

By anonymous, Sep 12
Maps Dashboard 01 created by anonymous

Maps Dashboard 01

By anonymous, May 25
Maps Marker 01 created by anonymous

Maps Marker 01

By anonymous, Mar 18