Geo Chart

A Geo Chart is a map of a country, a continent, or a region with areas which are compared in terms of the values it represents. Areas can be colored or shaded according to the prearranged key (each shade or color represents a range of values). Also, a Geo Chart can have bubbles with sizes proportional to the values they display, or points showing the existence of some object or feature.

Docs / Maps Move and Zoom 01

By AnyChart Team, Apr 10

Docs / Maps Connectors 13

By AnyChart Team, Apr 10
Maps Move and Zoom 01 created by AnyChart Team

Docs / Maps Move and Zoom 01

By AnyChart Team, Dec 4
Maps Connectors 13 created by AnyChart Team

Docs / Maps Connectors 13

By AnyChart Team, Dec 4

Docs / Maps Scales 02

By AnyChart Team, Apr 10