Gallery / Table Data
API / anychart.scales.GanttDateTime.measureWithText
Gallery / Starbucks in China
Gallery / Area
Web Analytics Dashboard with a line chart and several sparklines area charts, Session Metrics and Traffic Metrics are shown.
Flow Map (JS) - Final
Gallery / ACME Products by Revenue
A Tree Map with 40 elements representing the revenue from selling 40 pieces of food, divided into four categories: fruits, vegetables, dairy and meat. Tooltips show the revenue got from these products sales.
API / anychart.charts.HeatMap.dataArea set asBool
Gallery / BI Services Comparison
Gartner Magic Quadrant distributes companies into four quadrants by the levels of ability to execute and completeness of vision.
Gallery / Data Science
Venn Diagram of data science skills. Some points and intersections fall within other points and intersections, making it easy to observe any kind of nesting relationships between points or sets represented on the chart.