Gallery / Weather Dashboard
A dashboard with two linear thermometers demonstrating the air and water temperature and one circular gauge showing the wind direction and strength.
API / get
API / anychart.core.linearGauge.pointers.Marker.type get
API / anychart.core.linearGauge.pointers.Tank.emptyFill get
API / anychart.core.linearGauge.pointers.Tank.emptyFill set asObj
API / anychart.core.linearGauge.pointers.Tank.emptyFill set asFunc
API / anychart.core.linearGauge.pointers.Tank.emptyFill set asOpacity
API / anychart.core.linearGauge.pointers.Tank.emptyHatchFill get
API / anychart.core.linearGauge.pointers.Tank.emptyFill set asString
API / anychart.core.linearGauge.pointers.Tank.emptyHatchFill set
API / anychart.core.StateSettings.emptyFill set asString