Gallery / LED with Bar Gauges
There are LED and bar pointers used for demonstrating the revenue, the expenses and the profit levels of a company.
API / anychart.core.linearGauge.pointers.Base.selected set
API / anychart.core.linearGauge.pointers.Base.normal set
API / anychart.enums.LinearGaugePointerType
API / set asArray
API / set asArrayOfObj
API / anychart.core.linearGauge.pointers.Base.stroke get
API / anychart.core.linearGauge.pointers.Base.labels set asObj
Gallery / Blood Sugar Test
Two linear gauges, divided into three ranges that represent the glucose tolerance levels, standing for the patient's blood data before glucose injection and two hours after it.
API / anychart.core.linearGauge.pointers.Base.labels get
API / anychart.charts.LinearGauge.defaultPointerType get