Top 30 Countries by Quality of Life
Countries distributed inside the quadrant according to the pollution and life index levels.
BCT Quadrant Chart 02
Quadrant Motion
A quadrant chart which compares several bloggers' popularity, dividing them into those who are popular, those who are popular only in some particular group of audience, those who need more activity, and starters.
Logo Quadrant Chart
API / anychart.core.utils.Crossing.stroke set asObj
Eisenhower Matrix
The Eisenhower Matrix, also referred to as Urgent-Important Matrix.
New chart
BI Services Comparison
Gartner Magic Quadrant distributes companies into four quadrants by the levels of ability to execute and completeness of vision.
Albums by Listener Rank vs Rank by Plays
Quadrant Chart of the best music albums, based on KEXP?s poll data. The visualization is helpful in understanding the correlation between the number of DJ plays and the level of listeners? appreciation and in identifying the best overall albums and artists from this perspective.
BCT Quadrant Chart 07