Radar Chart

A Radar Chart (also known as web chart, spider chart, star chart, star plot, cobweb chart, irregular polygon, polar chart, or Kiviat diagram) shows the series as a line that forms a closed polygonal chain by connecting data points on the axes. And in this way, it displays the value of the phenomenon in question in a given category. This chart type is well suited to comparative analysis. It is equivalent to a parallel coordinates plot in polar coordinates. When using the Radar Chart type, it is important to remember the following: reading a chart with a large amount of series can be complicated, there should be at least three axes, while too many axes can make a chart illegible.

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AS Themes 06

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DB Stage 03

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BCT Radar Chart 04 created by anonymous

BCT Radar Chart 04

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BCT Radar Area Chart created by anonymous

BCT Radar Area Chart

By anonymous, Jul 21