Radar Chart

A Radar Chart (also known as web chart, spider chart, star chart, star plot, cobweb chart, irregular polygon, polar chart, or Kiviat diagram) shows the series as a line that forms a closed polygonal chain by connecting data points on the axes. And in this way, it displays the value of the phenomenon in question in a given category. This chart type is well suited to comparative analysis. It is equivalent to a parallel coordinates plot in polar coordinates. When using the Radar Chart type, it is important to remember the following: reading a chart with a large amount of series can be complicated, there should be at least three axes, while too many axes can make a chart illegible.

BCT Radar Chart 01 created by anonymous

BCT Radar Chart 01

By anonymous, May 10
BCT Radar Chart 01 created by anonymous

BCT Radar Chart 01

By anonymous, Aug 21
BCT Radar Line Chart created by anonymous

BCT Radar Line Chart

By anonymous, Oct 2
BCT Radar Area Chart created by anonymous

BCT Radar Area Chart

By anonymous, Apr 15
BCT Radar Chart 01 created by anonymous

BCT Radar Chart 01

By anonymous, Oct 15