Stacked Column Polar Chart
API / anychart.charts.Mekko.yScale set
100 Stacked 3D Area Chart
A volumetric Area chart demonstrating the revenue ratio from cosmetic products sold in Florida, Texas, Arizona and Nevada. All revenue got from each item is taken as a whole (100%).
Nightingale Rose Chart
A Nightingale Rose Chart (Coxcomb Chart or Polar Area Diagram) is a combination of the Radar Chart and Stacked Column Chart. It is helpful when working with cyclic data (months, seasons, years, etc.) and with statistical data. Meteorologists use it to illustrate a wind rose.
ConEx sprints
API / anychart.core.mekko.series.Mekko.normal get
API / anychart.charts.Mekko.toJson asString
API / anychart.charts.Mekko.background get
API / anychart.charts.Mekko.container
API / anychart.charts.Mekko.getPdfBase64String
API / anychart.charts.Mekko.fullScreen
API / anychart.charts.Mekko.credits set asBool