Statistical Data

Statistical Data is quantitative data on any subject, especially data comparing the distribution of some quantity for different subclasses of the population. One goal of statistics is to present data in a meaningful way. A chart can easily and quickly convey information to the user, highlight salient features of the statistical data, and show relationships that are not obvious from studying a list of numbers.

Dot/Circle Map in JavaScript created by anonymous

Dot/Circle Map in JavaScript

By anonymous, Nov 21
france created by anonymous


By anonymous, Sep 22
Gauge chart created by anonymous

Gauge chart

By anonymous, Mar 11

GAUGE Circular 01

By anonymous, Nov 9

GAUGE Circular 07

By anonymous, May 18
GAUGE Circular 07 created by anonymous

GAUGE Circular 07

By anonymous, Jan 18
GAUGE Circular 07 created by anonymous

GAUGE Circular 07

By anonymous, Jan 18
GAUGE Circular 07 created by anonymous

GAUGE Circular 07

By anonymous, Jan 18