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JavaScript Chart on COVID-19 Data
AnyChart - JavaScript Charts designed to be embedded and integrated
Radar Chart with Two Area Series
This multi-series radar chart contains a couple of area series. Each series can be controlled using chart's legend. The chart displays the average temperature in London during a year.
anychart.charts.Cartesian.data set asTableData
Column Chart with Negative Values
Multi-series column chart with negative values. Legend is enabled and each item controls series. Different labels formatting is used.
Percent Stacked Area Radar Chart
Here is a multi-series radar chart. Each series represent a region of sales. The percentage stacked mode ghelps to show that comparing values form a whole. Chart's legend is interactive and can be used for controlling chart's series.
Stacked Area Radar Chart
The radar chart contains three area series. Each series represent sales in Arizona, Florida and Nevada. Stacked series is used to show that those values of our series together form a whole. Chart's legend can be used to control series on the chart.
Multi-Series Column Chart
Multi-series column chart shows the information about revenue from selling the several products in several states. All series have labels over the columns.