Lemonade Recipes
This dashboard is a demonstration of three lemonade types cooking scheme. Three linear gauges looking like stacked columns represent the Quick, Strawberry and Ginger Lemonades' compositions.
Exchange rates dashboard, with minimum and maximum of each sparkline marked.
This chart demonstrates two linear gauges, imitating thermometers. One of them is simple and the second has two scales - \xb0C and \xb0F, making it useful for everyone, no matter which temperature system the customer is used to.
Table Layout 03
Sales by Region
A chart with 4 pointers, two of bar pointer type and two of LED type pointer type, all imitating battery chargers with different battery charge labels.
Horizontal Bullet Chart with Ranges
This sample is a demonstration of using ranges in Bullets. There are four ranges from red to green demonstrating the revenue levels from worthless to great.
Gallery / COVID-19 Vaccination Rates
A linear gauge chart making use of LED and bar pointers to visualize the progress of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign around the world as of October 2021. Features custom colors, labels, tooltip, and legend.
Weather Dashboard
A dashboard with two linear thermometers demonstrating the air and water temperature and one circular gauge showing the wind direction and strength.
States of United States Dashboard with MultiSelect