Column Chart

A Column Chart or a Column Graph is a chart that uses either vertical bars to show comparisons among categories.
The datapoint is represented by a rectangle, located between zeroline and corresponding value from the dataset.
Horizontaly oriented Column Chart is called Bar Chart. The point values can be compared between themselves (single-series chart) or values inside the category (multi-series chart).
In case of several series points are grouped by categories.
BCT Column Chart 01 created by anonymous

BCT Column Chart 01

By anonymous, Aug 1
BCT Column Chart 01 created by anonymous

BCT Column Chart 01

By anonymous, Jun 16
BCT Column Chart 01 created by anonymous

BCT Column Chart 01

By anonymous, Sep 6
BCT Column Chart 02 created by anonymous

BCT Column Chart 02

By anonymous, May 18
BCT Column Chart 04 created by anonymous

BCT Column Chart 04

By anonymous, May 25
BCT Marker Chart 01 created by anonymous

BCT Marker Chart 01

By anonymous, Nov 5