API / anychart.core.SeriesPoint.getStackZero
API / anychart.core.SeriesPoint.getStackValue
Chartopedia / Percent Stacked Bar Chart
A Percent Stacked Bar Chart is a multi-series Bar Chart which presents the contribution of each value to the sum of all values across categories. The X-axis is intended for percentage terms (from 0 to 100).
Chartopedia / Percent Stacked Column Chart
A Percent Stacked Column Chart is a multi-series Column Chart which presents the contribution of each value to the sum of all values across categories. Y-axis is intended for percentage terms (from 0 to 100).
COVID-19 in Italy
Chartopedia / Percent Stacked Area Chart
A Percent Stacked Area Chart is a multi-series Area Chart, where the height of each series depends on its contribution to the sum of all values in a certain category (X-axis). It is helpful in showing the variation of a few variables and their percentage ratio.
Chartopedia / Percent Stacked SplineArea Chart
A Percent Stacked Spline Area Chart is a multi-series Spline Area Chart, where the height of each series depends on its contribution to the sum of all values in a certain category (X-axis). It is helpful in showing the variation of a few variables and their percentage ratio.
Gallery / 100 Percent Stacked Column Chart
The 100% Stacked Column Chart displays the comparison of the percentage each part of the category brings to the whole category. This chart shows the products sales ratio in several regions.