100 Stacked 3D Area Chart
A volumetric Area chart demonstrating the revenue ratio from cosmetic products sold in Florida, Texas, Arizona and Nevada. All revenue got from each item is taken as a whole (100%).
BCT Range Spline Area Chart
Percent Stacked Bar Chart
A Percent Stacked Bar Chart is a multi-series Bar Chart which presents the contribution of each value to the sum of all values across categories. The X-axis is intended for percentage terms (from 0 to 100).
WD Data from JSON 02
3D Area Chart
This Chart shows the changes in a some company profit in a time period from 1996 till 2015 in three regions: Florida, Texas and Nevada. The values are given in thousands of dollars.
100 Stacked 3D Column Chart
A chart with four 3D Column series representing the regions where a company made sales and retails, emphasizing the fact that all sales of one product makes a whole by making the chart of stacked type.
Stacked Column Chart
Stacked Column Charts display the comparison of the quantitative value each part of the category brings to the whole category. Each of the stack components shows its relative contribution to the entire bar and the entity as a whole.
100 Percent Stacked Bar Chart
100% Stacked Bar Charts display the comparison of the percentage, taking the whole category as 100%. Chart describes the products' sales ratio by four regions. The legend is interactive and controls chart series.